If Junk Mail is still coming to your InBox, then you may have it set to 
"training mode".
If you want it to "file" them for you then in Mail - Preferences go to Junk 
You'll see choices like
When junk mail arrives
• Mark it as junk, but leave it in my Inbox
• Move it to the Junk mailbox
• Perform custom actions (Click Advanced to configure).

If you have it set to "move to the Junk Mailbox" then it will move them away 
for you from your InBox, but store them so you can "just double check". (before 
deleting them).
Or you can customise it to do other options. (e.g. delete automatically) etc.

Depending on your hosting then you can also set them up with Cpanel from your 
hosting side as well, and create auto filters that will filter out a specific 
address to not be seen again. And adjust "spam filters" from the host end as 
(which is what a lot of my hosting clients do).

"spam" as such in Australia can only be stopped if the company is operating 
from an Australian address with an Australia website/address etc. Nothing they 
can do about the rest of the world unfortunately.

My spam for the week is "you have a message from LinkedIn", click here." About 
10+ a day. And I don't even belong to the stupid thing. Never signed up for 
LinkedIn, not interested in. Not interested in the spam. Yet,…I still get it. 
(pretending to be them).

Welcome to the world of the internet. Spam is it's ugly side effect I'm afraid.

Kind regards

Sent from my iPhone 5

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

On 21/05/2013, at 8:55 PM, Brett Curtis <br...@masterwindowcleaners.com.au> 

> how many times do you have to mark a message as junk before Mail actually 
> realises the emails are spam?
> I have been getting mail from an Australian site called logo mates for a year 
> now!
> I mark it as junk, but mail keeps putting them in my inbox, saying "Mail 
> thinks this is spam"   Golly gee!!!  maybe it is???
> I have also forwarded it on to reportspam numerous times, but that appears to 
> have as little impact as marking something as junk to Mail !!!  I thought it 
> was illegal in Oz?
> What do I have to do frchrisakes?
> Brett Curtis
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