On 16/08/2013, at 11:44 AM, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

> Thanks Daniel, yes i like the 27" Thunderbolt displays. i have an iTunes 
> library around 220GB and photos >50GB, so 256GB no good for me and no doubt 
> they will get bigger not smaller.
> Do you feel that the extra cost of the retina is worth it over the non-retina 
> MBP in 13". I always wondered why the retina machine doesn't have the 
> Superdrive built in. Any reason? I suppose out of habit I will find it hard 
> to go without a Superdrive but lots of other machines in the house if I need 
> to burn something - or just buy an external USB Superdrive.
> Regards
> Pete

The main reason there is no Superdrive is pretty straightforward - there's no 
room! The case is simply too thin to accommodate one. It's the same reason why 
standard Ethernet and Video ports have given way to a couple of Thunderbolt 
ports.  I must say though, as a Retina MacBook Pro (15") owner, that when I 
bought the computer just a little over 12 months ago (not long after they were 
first released) I made certain to add an external USB DVD drive to the 
purchase. I think I've used maybe four times since. With the cheapest USB thumb 
drives having the same capacity as a regular DVD, the low cost of external 
drives and the availability of services such as the App Store, DropBox, iCloud 
and Copy.com, I find I simply have no need for an optical drive, other than to 
read the occasional CD or DVD; and as you point out, my iMacs both have optical 
drives which I find I invariably end up using anyway. My laptop is used mainly 
for work "on the road" so it's very rare that I have the ne
 ed to burn CDs or DVDs on it.

I do find the lack of direct ports such as Ethernet or Video a little 
inconvenient in one respect, but on the other hand the versatility of the 
Thunderbolt ports some how makes up for it. I agree with Daniel in the fact 
that this is the way of the future for Apple laptops. I think we have seen the 
end of the "traditional" model represented by the current 15" non-retina model. 

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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