Hi John,

You need to "Sign Out" of your 'incorrect' Apple ID and then 'Sign In' with 
your correct Apple ID.


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 25 Oct 2014, at 2:22 pm, John Thompson <jetj...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> For some reason, App Store/Software Update will not accept my Apple ID and 
> password (which also are my iCloud ID and password - seems to be the standard 
> thing) when I try to update/upgrade my software and system.  It continually 
> comes back with the incorrect Apple ID showing, one that is very similar but 
> with a small error, and will not accept the password.  This has lead, during 
> the last several days, to my being compelled to reset my Apple ID and 
> password numerous times.  Each time it must be a new password that has not 
> been used in the last twelve months.  I am running out of options.
> Is there any way I can get Apple to accept the new settings?  Each time I do 
> reset it comes back with same old error ID.  Getting very sick of this Cloud 
> nonsense.
> Regards
> John & Julie Thompson
> 14 McGlew Street
> Eden Hill
> WA 6054
> 08 92793524
> 0412 775 197
> jetj...@optusnet.com.au

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