
We've been living with our internet sharing problems for a couple of weeks now, 
with no solution.

I share our wireless connection over ethernet to three other machines and a 
wifi router. The sharing failed overnight a couple of weeks ago; we can still 
mount disks over ethernet, and the IP addresses all look good, but the other 
machines fail to access the internet using the ethernet sharing I'm providing; 
network preferences thinks they are connected, but all applications fail - they 
just time out, then give a "no internet connection" message.

You might think that my machine has failed, and no longer provides internet 
sharing, but this isn't the case - the wifi router is on the same ethernet 
network, and it broadcasts the shared connection, so currently we are limping 
along with that.

I've turned everything off and on countless times. I've also removed and 
re-created the ethernet service. I'm hoping someone can suggest other things I 
can try. For example, are there any .plist files I can try deleting to see if 
that helps restore our sharing?

Cheers, Kaye
Kaye and Geoff

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