----- Original Message -----
From: "Troy Heagy
> >From: maree
> > > Some have suggested we should do the same here.  That way, people
> >have
> > > 5 votes and not be afraid to vote for smaller parties.
> > >
> > > Troy
> > >
> >How do you work out they get 5 votes ?
> >maree
> The Australian ballots I've seen have 5 lines.  You list the candidates
> like, best to worst.  That's basically 5 votes... unless of course, you
> choose to leave some lines blank.

Well, you haven't seen many Aus ballots, Have you ? We have candidates
listed in order, that they are drawn. That is, candidates names are placed
in containers, of the same size and drawn out, to see in what order they are
listed.. similar to alottery, in Commonwealth elections they actually, use
table tennis balls with numbers. Therefore, the first person to nominate has
the first ball drawn out, etc.. then all the numbers corespond to a
candidate.. they are then redraw to determine ballot position.
Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.

> For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> 2. John McCain
> 3. George Bush
> 4. Al Gore
> 5. Buchanan
> Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted my
> vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system, they
would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the chaos,
but then again... may not !

> The U.S. has absorbed ideas from all around the world... Roman laws,
> courts, German superhighways, Chinese cuisine... perhaps it's time to
> our voting system from the Australians?
> Troy
Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know !!!!!!!!

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