> maree,
>(CS) I am glad to have another chance to respond to the issue of messages
> may lack good communication skills.  This is may be a pain in the neck to
> everyone, but when we are tolerant of people who lack good communication
> skills, there is a chance these people's skills will improve, and how
> much does it cost us to be considerate and give people that chance?
> rules to live by:
Carol, you are on a list that requires, or is based on ideas about politics,
war, etc.... communicating your ideas is what is at that base, not
consideration, or any other pretention...

> (CS)1. We are respectful to everyone because we are respectful people.
> 2. We act with dignity and protect the dignity of others.
> 3. We act with integrity.
where are we ? in a retirement village ?

> When we live by these rules, we can do far more good then when we
> criticize, demand and reject others.   These rules are not how the
> military does things and the difference is a serious political issue.
> CS
I don't know about your experience with military, but if you're going to
start on about radiation and electro magnetics.... Please don't.... my
delete button is wearing out...

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