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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

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> In a message dated 12/10/01 3:37:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> << Gee I don't know ....  tell me how many drug addicts have you met?
> many actually have serious emotional problems. There are alos those who
> succumb to peer pressure, and those who have been froced into it because
> they live on the streets because their everso noce caring families have
> kicked them out. Then there are those who just use drugs as a means of
> escaping reality. Surely the people who you should be focussing your anger
> and irritation are those that profit from addicts... the pushers, sellers
> etc ...... they are the cowards....>>
> ____________________________________________________
> I don't have enough fingers and toes to count 'em ... And some of them
> never suspect because of the positions that they hold.
> Through family members I have met, shall we say, interesting people. You
> know, they actually have a code that they live by ... you wouldn't think
> but they do. At least when they respect you, they do.
> I don't consider the pushers cowards, they're opportunists praying on
> people's weaknesses. And if I had my druthers, when they were caught
> they'd be put down like a wounded animal ... no fuss, muss or bother --
> eliminate the slimes asap.
> But the users with all their excuses about how they [fling hair back]
> Cope" ... Maybe 1 in 10 have a really legitimate excuse that would hold
> but the majority of them don't. They're cowards, unable to face life --
> they want is a quick escape and they could care less who gets hurt in the
> process -- OR -- maybe not ... Maybe they're just so blasted stupid they
> don't know any better ... but either way, I have no use for them.
> LG

Must really be nice to have a prefect life, and be so perfect ...... how
very shallow and judgemental you are

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> A93MR48T18

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