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maree wrote:

 Not all addicts have the same opportunities, many actually are forced into their
dependence. In psychological studies they have actually found a part of the
brain that is different in addicts, they have alos found that while the
brain and nervous system naturally produce drugs, some are more susceptible
to addiction because of anomalies within the brain than others... Now while
i would not argue that this is the case for all addicts, not all are cowards
.... Tell me have you ever been addicted to anything?  caffeine, cigarettes,
alcahol, gambling ... all drugs of one form or another... all affect
I've seen what addiction does to families, and i've also seen where young
people are rejected by their families, and turn to drugs as a means of
escape... I've seen people turned out on the streets, where prostitution and
drugs are their means of survival, now you may argue that these people are
cowards, but i would argue that our system has failed them...
All of us have one or more natural weaknesses. Some of us have a weakness for alcohol, others for heroin, others for sex, others for saying stupid things, others for gambling, etc.

Yet all of us have brain and God gave us the power to choose the right or wrong action. People with a weakness for alcohol know what will happen to them if they start drinking. None-the-less, many of these people choose drink. It is their choice. No matter how ugly their background, no matter how weak their ability to resist, no matter how bad a day they had, they still choose (everyday) whether or not to do allow their weakness to control them. It is their decision. Sure, it is harder for some than others. But, if they give in to their weakness, putting that drink to their lips, sticking that needle in their arm, is still a planned action done by a person who decided to do it.

Good thing for all those that work in the addiction field, otherwise they would not have job. To make sure they have job security, you need to justify these addicts as people helpless against the evils of our society and their genes. And of course, the "I am a victim of my genes and circumstances" eliminates the guilt for destroying a family and the childhoods of millions of kids every year. And, as a side benefit, those children grow up and can think their mom or dad was really a good person even though addicted drugs and sex, because mom or dad had a weakness and an ugly background.

Until you and all the people like you realize that the decision to take action makes all of us responsible for our own situation, we will never truly flourish as a society. Our efforts and resources will continue to be wasted on people who do not want to be anything other than an addict and people like you enable them to stay addicts.


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