----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: {W&P} SV: SV: Star of David [an occult symbol]

In a message dated 5/5/02 2:33:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's under discussion, but not in the scientific world. They don't dare to tuch the storys. It would rampage the whole religious ivorytower.

I don't see where that would/should be true.
I do. If the storys in all of the present religious books are proved wrong the base of these religions tumble to dust. Or it should be the consequeces. However, what people choose to beleve in the context of a religion must not have anything to do with facts.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that God exists, but at the same time, I know full well that the Torah/Bible and other religious books were all written by primitive, uneducated men, hard-pressed to explain what they had seen or to explain what they believed. Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden are NOT exclusive Jewish property. All societies have legends about the beginnings, and if people can get past their bigotry and look honestly at history, they will quickly realize that it's not our differences we should be focusing on, but the miraculous similarities that we have with each other. ... i.e.: Isn't the realization that every society on this planet has a similar legend for how life began far more important than to focus on the Judeo/Christian one of Adam and Eve to the exclusion of all others? Especially when you realize that they "borrowed" the story of the Garden of Eden from someone else.
Some have surprizingly similar explanations but others differ quite a lot. The natives of Australia and the diffierent tribes of South and North America or in Africa have no similarities with the explanations born in "the fertile half moon", the present middle east. However, I think they all were constucted in order to have an answere to "why" and "how" the civilizations was born, and there is no reason, in my mind, to take the mythical part of them for true except for the historical places where they are supposed to have taken place.
The same priciple is used constantly in fiction novels. The place excist, but that storys personalities are only a result of the authors imagination. In many years from now it will be possible to excavate some of the places where those storys are supposed to have been taken place, but never the less: the people and the events have never taken place except for in the authors imagination.

And if there isn't a large kernel of truth buried in all these stories, how can one explain how people, completely separated from each other, all came up with the same, basic ideas?
People, completely separated from each other, has similar storys to tell about the oldest times. But were they so completely separated? Communications from the Read See over and around India and Sri Lanka to the Far East were frecquent long before our modern time begun 2000 years ago and very long before the Europeans "discovered" the way to the Indian Ocean. So was the storys spread from Middle East to China and back and the chineese culture were thousends of years older that those in the middle east. It's a very complicated picture, not fully understand.
How come that the building of pyramids took place in both Egypt and in Mexico? Does that indicates a connection between Egypt and Mexico? Thor Heyerdahl, with the Kon-Tiki expedition and the Raa boats, the last real explorer who died reasently, has some ideas on this and he proved that it was possible to travel over the Atlantic (and The Pacific) already in those anscient days, but, on the other hand, is the pyramid shape so difficult to think of that the fact that it's been used in both Egypt and Mexico must indicate a connection? I don't think so!

Darwin postulated on the origin of the species -- everything on this planet evolved from the same atom, stewing in the primordial soup ... that may explain the evolution of the body -- but not of the ideas formulated by the brain.
Why not? Is it maybe your locking in religion that says so? What a specie has use of stays and is spread as it benefits survival. The humans has been successful in inhabiting the earth.
Claes Persson
§( :8-)
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