In a message dated 5/10/02 7:10:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

(LG) And what is this B.S. about "when the rules were perhaps valid in desert tribes and not now" ... What Rules? Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal. Honor thy parents. -- Are those the rules that you think only applied to primitive folks and should no longer apply?

(Claes) This is another proof of what I call a locked in mind. Why do you only think of the Ten Commandments? They excisted, by the way, alredy in Sumeria. There were other things to choose.

I think however that you hate science. It's the enemy of superstition.

Where, in my paragraph do you see the term "Ten Commandments"? If they already existed in Sumeria, what makes you think I wasn't referring to the Sumerian version? Or an even earlier version?

Have you ever realized that every law in the world can trace its root logic back to one of those 10 Commandments? And if people would obey those 10 simple little commandments we wouldn't need all the other laws that men have created, nor all the lawyers that are required to interpret all the double-talk.

And as for me "hating science" ... you really are grasping at straws, aren't you. Astronomy, Paleontology, Archeology, Meteorology and Cryptozoology are 5 of my favorites, but I rarely walk away from anything concerning science -- especially if it involves a chance to learn. But I learn with an open, questioning mind, not a closed one that believes everything it is told and never asks "why"!

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