Christian Vest Hansen schreef:
> If we decide on XML, at least do it right ;)
> I've attached a version of repair.xml that have been refactored to the
> way *I* think it should be structured. What's not visible is the link
> to the XSD Schema that defines the structure of this particular XML
> format: the tree-structure, including the various property tags and
> their datatypes.
> A key part of XML is that it should be self-describing, which you
> won't get if you have <property> tags with "name" attributes.
> Besides, attributes should be reserved for *meta-data* (data about the
> actual data) and not the *actual* data, which should instead be kept
> between the start and end tags.
> With this in mind, we get an XML format that is more concise, more
> readable, easier to search with XPath, easier specify in XSD Schemas,
> and so forth... (here follows a lengthy and boring speech on how Good
> Design Pays!)
> Anyway, you get the point :) 
Erm, yep, point taken. I see you're going to design the XML Schema  ;-) .

I agree with you that the element name should be the descriptor of the
data (rather than a name attribute). It happened to be late at the time
that I created that XML-file so I've got an excuse ;-) .

The only comment I've got on your XML-file is the inconsistency in
notation of <techLevel />. Both ZNULLREPAIR and LightRepair1 are of
level ALL, for the first you simply write it down as ALL, for the last
you use the number -1. I'd use numbers for all of those. Apart from that
I think it looks good.

Christian Vest Hansen schreef:
> PS.
> I doubt that the size of the XML files is any issue. I think you'll
> find that once stored in the zip-compressed .wz format, the XML files
> will be reduced to half-size or less.
Size will most likely be the last thing to consider a problem (even
without compression). (Unless you'd want to compile wz to run on a
gameboy or something similar).


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