Am Montag, 16. April 2007 schrieb Giel van Schijndel:
> Dennis Schridde schreef:
> > PS: As we are at it: We can strip JPEG as well. The code to read PNG
> > backdrops is allready present.
> I am working on that as well at the moment, forgot to mention that. This
> will of course require converting the backdrops (the only JPEGs left) to
> PNG, which will increase size significantly (about a factor 5), average
> size will become ~280kB rather than ~55.
Besides the increase in size there should be nothing bad about it.
And besides having to convert them, there should be no work needed, as the 
current code allready is able to read .pngs...
Using PNGs here has the benefit that they are lossless which might go better 
with the GPL.


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