Preamble: I'm absolute tired, so please be torantly to some writing
mistakes and maybe unstructured parts. *g* :)

Well, if WZ runs in Fullscreen mode it doesn't really interest if it
reserves all CPU time. (AFAIK!) But for laptopusers this is bad, because
(at least on windows) if the CPU has too much to do (means, most cpu
time isn't reserved for the idle process) the fan begins to run etc...

But if the game runs in windowed mode, it is nicer if the game 'shares'
his reserved CPU time. (Sleep(0) / Sleep(1) - I know that Sleep has most
a resolution about ~10ms but that makes the Taskmanager happy)

> Doesn't the scheduler distribute CPU time between all applications anyway?
> I don't think we can force it to give us all the CPU.

Sure it does, but it does it more friendlier if the sheduler has CPU
time in the idleprocess.

> Currently we only request as much as to keep a certain framerate. Which hits 
> the limits on slow PCs, what I don't think is bad (since why would we like to 
> drop the fps even more).

This is nonesense for me.
Warzone has (afaik) a framerate independent game logic.
So it isn't necesarry to limit or try to reach a certain FPS.

And the SDL-Framerate(...) is failed by design for me. Its absolute none
sense too. If i would make a app which logics/animation depends on the
FPS,... i did something wrong.

And it isn't for vsync. Vsync means to sync the GPU output with the HZ
from the monitor. Means: The GFX-Cards pushes the frame to draw only to
the monitor, if it start to draw a new 'frame'. If there are new
rendered frames in the GPU and if the Monitor still draws a old one, the
new framed will be droped. Thats the reason why with vsync on the fps
most slightly decreases. (Imagine, the GPU just dropped a fresh rendered
frame and a few MS later the monitor has finished to draw the frame, so
the next frame will be send if it is done)

If i want to emulate a vsync via Sleep()... the FPS must only drop to
something < Monitor-HZ. (59 FPS instead of 60) and *all* following
images will overwrite the ongoing drawing. (This 'cut' effect on movements)

Vsync has to be done by the driver, in SDL with:

So, i'm for kicking out this SDL_Framerate() thing (reason above) and
for sharing CPU time even in fullscreen mode. Sharing the CPU time
mostly means warzone just use what it needs for a certain calculation.
And my maybe running BitTorrent programm etc... can run smoothly in the
background without 'fighting' for CPU-Time.

I would like to go more in detail with this but i'm absolute tired, so
please be torantly to some writing mistakes *g* :)

- Regards, Kamaze

> The only reason we inserted the delay originaly, was because eg. laptop users 
> don't need 100fps, but would like to keep their CPU idle instead. They can 
> lower the framerate down to 1fps if they want, and that will be exactly what 
> they get. No more, maybe less.
> So currently the real only issue is that there is no delay in the mainmenu.
> Wouldn't it be enough to estimate the time the buffer will bear up and wakeup 
> just before it is empty?
> But you are right, I probably have to think about how to do this best for a 
> while...

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