On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Dennis Schridde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Samstag, 29. März 2008 21:09:43 schrieb Ari Johnson:
> > I have brought this up before, but I really think something should be
>  > done.  However, I'd rather get some agreement on the matter before
>  > committing any changes.
>  >
>  > Warzone currently pauses everything when it loses focus.  This has two
>  > shortcomings:
>  Pause on focusloss was added mainly on request by laptop users, who wanted to
>  save battery time. (And I think I discovered abadoned code at that same
>  time.)
>  So it is definitely not necessary that WZ pauses on focus loss, just
>  an "optimisation".
>  As long as we can achieve the same (or a similar) effect with something else,
>  I would be completely happy with it.
>  > 1. Some people (such as myself) likely want to be able to play with
>  > Warzone in a window and, for instance, let their tanks drive across
>  > the map in the background while they talk on IM or work on something.
>  > If the game pauses when it's not the foreground window, this doesn't
>  > work.
>  >
>  > 2. Warzone doesn't just pause the gameplay, but it pauses everything
>  > else when it is in the background.  This includes the menu.  To see
>  > what I mean, run Warzone in a window and, as soon as it creates the
>  > window, change to another application while it loads.  The loading bar
>  > will run until it is done loading and then appear to lock up, until
>  > you give focus back to Warzone.  Once you do that, the menu will
>  > display.  Any argument in favor of #1 being correct behavior
>  > notwithstanding, this is simply wrong.
>  >
>  > What I propose is this:
>  >
>  > 1. Fix #2 above.  There is no justification for the game doing that.
>  > 2. Provide an option to let the user select from three modes when the
>  > game is in the background:
>  >  a) Pause and mute
>  >  b) Mute only
>  >  c) Neither pause nor mute
>  >
>  > This should let everyone be happy.  Any thoughts?
>  Proposal/issue 1 is fixed by proposal 2?

Not quite.  Issue #2 should be fixed either way.  The game should
never pause when there is not actually gameplay in progress, unless
the menu loop burns laptop batteries the same as the game does, but
that sounds like a bug in the menu loop if that's what happening.

Issue #1 requires a separate fix.  I like the pause-on-focus-loss
feature, but I would prefer to be able to turn it off and also to
select a mute-sounds-but-keep-playing option.

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