On 6/13/08, Angus Lees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 5:19 AM, bugs buggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I haven't done much with video stuff, but I used ffmpeg with a bitrate
> > of 2400K, and used the 'double sized' video (as in, it skips ever
> > other scanline to make the FMV appear bigger than it is), so while the
> > original FMVs are 320x240 (and some are less than this), the one I
> > converted is 640x480.   The issue with the 320x240 is that if we
> > stretch that out to fill the screen, then we get really ugly
> > pixelization.  Is there any filter or some other program that we can
> > use to fix this?
> > The original vid I converted from is 30,996,655 bytes (320x240), and
> > the new one is  32,095,488 bytes (640x480).
> >
> >
> I'm not sure what you're intending with this 'double sizing' stuff.  You
> aren't going to add more information to the video by doubling the scan
> lines, so it will appear equally as pixelized as the smaller video,
> stretched at display time.

Right, there is no new information just by doubling the scan lines,
but to my eyes, it did look better than stretching the original
320x240 to 640x480.

I should throw up some screen shots to show the difference.

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