2009/4/23 Christian Ohm <chr....@gmx.net>:
> I don't like it much, either. But this was possible by deleting 18 bytes,
> and its NOT MONOSPACE, which changes the look from ugly to ok (I hope we can
> agree on that, except perhaps the person who chose the mono font). That's
> enough for me (until we find a good free sans serif font we can all agree
> upon).

Oh, I agree we should do it. I'm just saying we should keep looking
for something better.

Do you think DejaVu Sans is better, or DejaVu Sans Bold?

> I think that's fontconfig's doing. I don't know how that works on Windows,
> but it should be possible to use a private font directory (but then you don't
> have fallback fonts, and the included font(s) have to provide all needed
> glyphs).

So how exhaustive is DejaVu Sans?

> [Colored cursors]
> Really? I enabled them and noticed nothing. Haven't played much since then
> though, only short testing.

Yeah, well, I have a reasonably specced:

2.4 GHz Core 2 Quad
GeForce 8800 GT

And colored cursors still provide a noticeable performance hit. I
can't stand cursor lag. I might be more sensitive to it than most,

> Not for me, or do we have an untrap cursor hotkey (the trap cursor workaround
> being alt-enter)?

Alt-Enter doesn't work on Windows, and I don't think it works on OSX either.

LogoKey and Alt+Tab work for "untrap cursor" in Windows, and so does
Esc. I'm guessing at least Esc and Alt+Tab should work in Linux.
Cmd+Tab doesn't work in full-screen mode in Mac OS X, which is really
annoying, but I don't know about windowed mode.

> How about changing the config directory for trunk to .warzone2100-trunk
> instead?

Works for me.

2009/4/23 bugs buggy <buginato...@gmail.com>:
> I am not sure it is fontconfig, freetype, or QuesoGLC.  I just know
> that I can't duplicate it, and I don't have vista to really see what
> lib is responsible.
> I just know that we don't do anything wrong in the codebase, so the
> problem should be reported upstream.  To who, I dunno, but the above
> listed ones are prime suspects.

"Blame upstream" seems to be mostly an OSS thing. Have you ever worked
in proprietary software? If upstream has a problem, they're unlikely
to fix it, so you work around it.

I mean, do we want to make the best RTS in a theoretical world where
upstream is always perfect, or do we want to make the best RTS on

> [Texture resolution] Again, no, that is way too big.  128 or 256 should be 
> default.

2048 in trunk is the equivalent of 128 or so in 2.2. Seriously.
Compare 128 in 2.2 with 128 in trunk. 2.2 will look sharp, and trunk
will look _ridiculously_ blurry.

- Zarel

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