On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:20 AM, NoName <fearthec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm with i-NoD to keep this code and make it useable (at least in
> future). Right now, most fighting is just "who has the best upgrades"
> instead of unit tactics.
> Making flanking more attractive would add a lot of competition to
> warzone. And about the unit movement code, I guess we really need an
> update there, to implement such features as "retreat (Moving backwards,
> which might be slower then driving forards, but it faces the good armor
> side to the enemy)" and real formations.

I don't know, seems like too much tactics. Our movement code is
horrible; making fine-grained control of units necessary would suck
for everyone...

OTOH, I'd prefer not to change the mod format that much, so I'd vote
to keep everything the way it is (lots of fixes to movement code


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