On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Guangcong Luo <za...@wz2100.net> wrote:
> You'll notice on the forums quite a few people disagreed with the trunk power
> system.

I saw only quite a few people saw no reason to change anything, none
of whom said they had actually tested trunk. That is only the to be
expected level of conservatism in a game this old.

> As far as _I_ can tell, you are the only person who is making a big
> fuss about staying away from the 2.3 power system. Well, you and JDW
> on the forums.

The thing I am make a big fuss about is a large change without
adequate reason and what I see as spurious arguments. Note that I was
also initially sceptical of the new power flow system, but Gerard
managed to convince me that it was a good idea.

>> I think that is a strange cop-out, since all of your arguments against
>> the trunk power system apply equally to the 2.3 power system.
> My largest objection to the trunk power system:
> - I never know how much power I have, or whether or not I have enough
> power to do something, since the rate at which it increases/decreases
> changes several times a minute.
> This is why I don't want to use it in competitive multiplayer
> specifically: It's much more important there to know exactly how much
> power I have.
> Direct-debit-power-queue and 2.3 are identical as long as no more than
> one thing is on the queue at a time.

See, I do not buy this argument at all. You said yourself that all
power systems are essentially identical if you are only producing one
thing at a time, and this is true. Hence the claim that 2.3 and direct
debit is identical in this case is irrelevant. The only interesting
case is the real case -- when you are producing multiple items at
once. Here 2.3 and trunk are very similar, and can both be "confusing"
to someone used to thinking in direct debit terms. The case where they
differ the most is when multiple items are produced, and expenses are
bigger than income. Here 2.3 and trunk are identical, while direct
debit is very different. Most of your arguments have been about this
last case. That is why now turning about and wanting a return to 2.3's
power system makes no sense to me.

  - Per

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