Here is some information here about installing Watir from behind a proxy.

Watir now depends on several other gems, so it will be complicated to 
try and download and install them them all locally. You will need to 
find out how to make the Proxy install work. Thousands of other users 
have been able to get this to work, so please be persistent. This is a 
general feature of the Ruby Gem system, and not Watir specific.


ran_watir wrote:
> I have been perusing the discussion lists to find something related to
> problems installing watir on Windows. Although I did find a lot of
> things, did not see the specific error message I am encountering.
> There was no gem to update and I downloaded the most recent version of
> Ruby I found on their web site. I am behind a firewall that requires
> authentication but setting HTTP_PROXY variable did not help either. I
> am running Windows XP.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ranulfo
> D:\>gem install watir
> ERROR: does not appear to be a repository
> ERROR:  could not find gem watir locally or in a repository
> D:\>gem update --system
> Updating RubyGems
> Nothing to update
> D:\>gem install watir
> ERROR: does not appear to be a repository
> ERROR:  could not find gem watir locally or in a repository
> D:\>gem -v
> 1.2.0
> >

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