I understand what you are asking Lisa, and I can't express it any better
than you can.  I am also dealing with various things that pop-up in my app
(modal windows, java script warnings, etc).  I have everything running
successfully under IE7, but they won't run against IE6 or Firefox.  At this
time I am not being pressed to add support for IE6 or Firefox.  I think I
could extend my code to work with IE6 with a little effort.


>From the traffic on this list, I am confident that there are a lot of people
who will run into this problem when they try to do cross-browser testing,
but I don't think that anyone with these pop-ups is doing cross-browser
stuff.  I would guess that once the watir codebase moves to github there
will be some branches where individuals will work on building better pop-up
support.  I don't know how long it will take for support for pop-ups in
Firefox to appear and then stabilize.






From: watir-general@googlegroups.com [mailto:watir-gene...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Lisa Crispin
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 4:18 PM
To: watir-general@googlegroups.com
Subject: [wtr-general] scripts for IE and Firefox both


Hi, I hope this isn't too annoying of a question. I'm just trying to decide
our next steps wrt Watir and our test automation. I just thought I'd double
check on what I think I know already.

I spent the last several weeks getting our Watir suites working with v.
1.6.2 and Vista. I finally beat them into submission, and I'm exhausted.
(This is not a reflection on Watir, but probably on the design of our
scripts, and definitely on my lack of expertise).

My ultimate goal was to get these scripts working with Firefox also, and I
had some hope when I first read about 1.6.2 that this would be possible.
However, I recall that Bret replied to one of my emails relating to dealing
with modal dialogs this way:

I'm saying that I do not have a plan on how to support modal dialog
testing that will work with both IE and Firefox, and as far as I know,
no one else is working on this.

I'm wondering if this means we should abandon all hope of ever being able to
run our scripts against Firefox (which would make them a lot easier to
integrate with our build process, as well as easier for the developers who
all use Macs to run them to help with their own testing)? 

The developers could run the scripts on their Parallels or VMWare, but the
scripts run very slowly there for some reason. Should we be thinking about
migrating to a different browser driver if we want to have scripts that
everyone can use to help with testing? We have good tools for our automated
regression tests, and I guess we could adapt those tests to do the same
purpose of Watir, it just happened that it was the Watir scripts that got
all the good flexibility that make them handy for setting up test scenarios.

Do other people have automated scripts to help with exploratory testing and
manual testing, and if so, what tools do you use for that? Or are other
people just luckier and don't have modal dialogs to deal with?


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