On Apr 22, 7:17 pm, emz452 <emz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
~~~ SNIP ~~~
> If I launch firefox with -jssh and try to telnet:
> em...@emily-desktop:~$ firefox -jssh
> em...@emily-desktop:~$ telnet localhost 9997
> Trying
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
> em...@emily-desktop:~$
~~~ SNIP ~~~
> Many thanks,
> Emily

Emily the above telnet test indicates that you are unable to
communicate with your local machine on port 9997. I would check your
firewall / ipchains settings and make sure that you are not blocking
connections from -> I would think that it would
be allowed but you never know.

You could also try disabling the firewall on your machine and then
telnet to port 9997 while firefox is running to make certain if it is
the firewall or not.

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