Is there a site we can go to in order to see this?

On Jun 10, 11:12 pm, Pallavi Sharma <> wrote:
> Hi George/Chuck/Zeljko
> I tried the following script:
> require 'watir'
> require 'watir/ie'
> require 'win32ole'
> ie=Watir::IE.attach(:title,//)
> ie.frame(:name, "pageserverFrame").frame(:id,
> "ContentFrame").select_list(:name, "MIR-CVG-STBL-1-CD").clearSelection
> ie.frame(:name, "pageserverFrame").frame(:id,
> "ContentFrame").select_list(:name,
> "MIR-CVG-STBL-1-CD").fire_event("onfocus")
> ie.frame(:name, "pageserverFrame").frame(:id,
> "ContentFrame").select_list(:name, "MIR-CVG-STBL-1-CD").select("30 Years")
> ie.frame(:name, "pageserverFrame").frame(:id,
> "ContentFrame").select_list(:name,
> "MIR-CVG-STBL-1-CD").fire_event("onchange")
> ie.send_keys("{TAB}")
> but it only selects the value in the list,  and doesn't set the same in the
> tet box..
> is there any other solution? Why isn't watir doing it the way it should
> work!!
> Help needed!! Anyone please...
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:17 AM, George <> wrote:
> > Hi Pallavi,
> > I've been having similar issues where manually using a select list
> > exhibits different behavior than coding a selection.  I had to figure
> > out how to best mimic how a user would interact with the form.
> > Eventually I found that, if I select the field label, set the value in
> > the select list, then use $browser.send_keys("{TAB}") to tab off the
> > field, it gives me the desired effect.  This probably won't help you,
> > but this is what I had to do in order to get what I was looking for.
> > Good luck!
> > George
> > On Jun 8, 10:49 pm, Pallavi Sharma <> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I have a scenario in which, if i chose a value in a select list, the same
> > > value is filled in a text box given by calling an onchange event.
> > > code looks like:<select name="ABC" onChange="onChangeTerm('ABC','XYZ')"
> > > onfocus="enterField(this)" size="1" stype="Selection">
> > > <input decimals="0" elength="3" name="XYZ" onblur="validateField(this)"
> > > onfocus="enterField(this)" onkeypress="NumberKeyCheck()" stype="Number"
> > > type="text" value="0" />
> > > The problem with this is when i do it manually, whatever value i chose in
> > > select list, it gets filled in the text box but when i do using the
> > > function:
> > > ie.select_list(:name,"ABC").select(value)
> > > it selects a value but doesn' fills the text box.
> > > I tried the fire events also but no help.
> > > Can anyone in the group please help me with this issue.
> > > [watir -1.6.2]
> > > Thanks
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