I am not doing that much advanced all my framework will do test UI &
Functionality & generates a html result file send it across the
I am not using excel or word for my data reading or reporting.


On Jun 30, 3:27 pm, gary <mrgaryengl...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chethan,
> thanks for your reply, yes it is windows, here's a more detailed
> outline of what I have and then what I'm aiming for.
> I have let's say 30 individual watir scripts which include numerous
> tests each. They output the results to individual text files.
> I have a single results watir script which takes the information from
> all the results text files and build a single html file.
> I have a single run all watir script which runs desired watir test
> scripts then the results script at the end.
> This is all fine, and it works for me.
> I also have numerous other tests, mainly a set of manual scripts.
> There's also a bit of performance testing thrown in. And to finish off
> there's the testing & documentation for any other individual tests,
> mainly for issue fixing.
> Currently I have a jumbled mass of word, excel, html, ruby files which
> from a project.
> With Team System for testers, I can create my project to include all
> my tests....  I run the project, it goes off, does some performance
> testing records the results, does a bit off unit testing and records
> the results, walks user through any manual testcases, records the
> results, etc. When finished combines all the results into a summary of
> all the tests. Great, but this does not include my watir scripts!
> What I'd like to do is add my watir scripts into this project, ideally
> so when it gets to the watir tests it actually runs them and is not a
> manual prompt for me to run them. Which then hopefully includes the
> results into the summary of the project. I'd assume then that if the
> scripts were part of a project then I'd use the Visual Studio IDE.
> Hopefully this is a bit clearer.
> Cheers, Gary
> On Jun 30, 6:43 am, Chethan <chethan2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I didn't get your problem, I assume that you want a system to run all
> > the independent test suits & a single HTML result file should get
> > generated.
> > I have implemented framework where I have multiple suites & that will
> > be run by bat file(I assume your working on Windows platform). In the
> > suits independent scripts will send out HTML code to a file such away
> > that it will make a HTML table.
> > At last all the HTML code will be gathered will do some computation of
> > no of Pass, Fail & Errors. which will make a HTML result file.
> > Let me know do you looking for same kind of framework.
> > Thanks,
> > Chethan
> > On Jun 29, 7:58 pm, gary <mrgaryengl...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've got a number of watir scripts which I run as part of a normal
> > > regression suite. They're set up as an independent test suite and
> > > output results to html to allow easy interpretation of results.
> > > We've decided to invest in the Team tester version of Team System,
> > > after all, that's what our developers use, but I'm having trouble
> > > integrating my watir scripts.
> > > I was hoping to simply reference the individual scripts as generic
> > > tests but things are never that straight forward.
> > > Has anybody else integrated their watir scripts with Team system for
> > > testers, and if so how did you do it?
> > > Many thanks,
> > > G
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