
I actually haven't seen the vote.  In fact.  Looking at my email I see a
grand total of about 15 emails on my entire gmail account since mid

I don't see the original vote email, nor the email I see forward below.
When was the vote.  I would like to go look back and ensure I am not
missing emails.

I used to see several emails a day.  I haven't seen anything much (no
commits, no votes, nothing from review board) for several weeks now come
to think of it.


On 9/12/13 12:36 PM, "Christian Grobmeier" <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Am 12.09.13 20:35, schrieb Ali Lown:
>> It seems nobody else is able to give feedback at this point.
>> Christian raised some things that are worth doing, so I may as well
>> start again with RC5, which I will push up in a few weeks time. [It is
>> a bit too busy for me ATM.]
>> Hopefully, by being a bit later, people won't be on holiday, so will
>> be able to review it. :P
>I would say save the time for now.
>It has been 2 weeks time for voting. This project has seen messages.
>It's september, not mid of august.
>We got 1 (!) community vote. Vincente mentioned he is away (thats fine)
>and John is not so much into gory technical details (accepted so far).
>But where were the others? Is it really holidays which prevents the
>vote? Do we ALL have holidays at the same time?
>Before we move on with a new RC, i would like to know from the people
>listed here:
>why they didn't vote.**
>Was it really holidays? No interest? No time?
>It has been *a lot* of work for Ali to deal with the ASF release
>procedures and kick out multiple RCs. It would be worth to know if he
>should continue and if there will be any voters in the future. If there
>is nobody who is willing to open a zip file, look into it and send out a
>+1, then its really alarming. It took me 30 minutes or so to check the
>release. This is not so much.
>I have hoped the excitement in the project after John and a few others
>appeared was so big that we would have managed to get a new release out
>for review. If others, maybe Incubator Shepherds* look at this project
>now, they would think: no community.
>Please let me - us - know what you who are on the list above prevented
>to vote**.
>* Incubator Shepherds are Incubator PMC people, who look independently
>from the mentor on the activity of the project and provide a second
>insight for the report
>** Of course I don't want you to speak out anything which should be kept
>private - remember this is a public list. I just want to know: is there
>a realistic chance that we ever get more than 3 votes? 3 are required to
>get it out, but given the huge list of committers we should get more
>*** I am not a native speaker - and I hope my email doesn't sound to
>angry. I am not. I would be dissappointed if it finally turns out that
>we have lost the energy and steam of the past days
>> Ali

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