Hi Upayavira

Am 29.11.13 13:24, schrieb Upayavira:
The way open source communities such as this one work, the road map
needs to be defined by the people doing the work. It would be easy for
some of us to come up with a cool roadmap, but if coders aren't behind
it, it will be pointless effort.
That's true. I have just the feeling, that wave is a bit loost in space. I don't talk about a long time roadmap. I talk about a short roadmap, from release to release.

If folks are interested in coding Wave, whether at Apache or elsewhere,
I'd encourage them to jump in and start suggesting where they think it
should go.
I just want to say, that in my point of view, the Apache Structure is not the problem. I beleve a move to GitHub will not help for the long term. For my point of view, it's the wrong way to adress the problem.

Greetings Raphael

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