> Perhaps if other "potential coders" gave reasons for their lack of commits
> it would help paint a picture of whats holding Wave back?

For me personally its the learning curve that comes with a massive
codebase and little documentation or even overview of how the classes
etc relate to each other. Comprehending that takes time in itself and
you need to do that before you can actually start contributing in a
meaningful way.

If I were to tackle wave in the same way I've tackled other projects
with massive code bases. I would start with a skeleton, basic
functionality. Then build it up by taking components that have already
been developed and documenting it as I go connecting it all together.

I know you cant do that with Wave but better documentation on how to
get the client/server up and running in a consistent way locally, will
help people, whoever setup the demo servers on the incubator page
could probably do that. You can expand on it form there.

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