Lucille, according to Don Knott's autobiography, "Barney Fife And Other 
Characters I Have Known", you have the facts mostly right.   If you want to 
know the real, unvarnished truth, you can buy the book I listed above on Amazon 
for only $13.00.    And the book is worth 10 times that much.    I have read my 
copy over and over until I have just about worn it out.   It would be the best 
$13 you ever invested. Orville Hendricks - Mt. Pilot's Butter and Egg Man.  I 
was going to call my autobiography "The Egg And I", but that title was already 
taken.   I just received a message titled "A DREAMER AND HIS DREAM" about Jesse 
Don Knotts, and I wondered if it was true or fiction.? It tells about him 
growing up in a "very rough home in West Virginia":- he took a job as a chicken 
plucker, and it seems he was ":always sick", sometimes it was physical but it 
was often just "in his head".? In school he was the object of every bully, a 
hypochondriac, and didn't look forward to tomorrow.? But he had dreams - he 
wanted to be a ventriloquist, and earned enough money until he got a real 
ventriloquist dummy.? Then he joined the military, where his talents were 
recognized, and changed his world.? There is a picture of him sitting with a 
ventriloquist's dummy on his knee.? The face is Don Knotts, but is the story 
> ?
> Lucille Richmond
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