On Wednesday 26 March 2003 8:34 pm, Ben Joyce wrote:
> Dave, do you have any experience of installing SpamAssasin on an IMAP
> server (running on Linux) ?

Yeah, I've done it, it's not too hard.  The IMAP part doesn't really matter - 
most of the time it doesn't matter how you pick the mail up, it only matters 
what MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) you use to take care of local mail delivery.

I run spamassassin at work, to filter all my mail.  I started out using it 
because they moved to a new mailserver, and suddenly they decided we had to 
use IMAP to access our mail.  I wanted my mail stored on my own machine, for 
ease of searching etc, so I set up fetchmail to download all my mail via IMAP 
to my machine.  While I was at it, I set up SpamAssassin, and I've been 
*VERY* impressed.

I am just getting ready to go out on a major drinking session for my fiancee's 
22nd birthday, so can't supply any more details yet.

If you need, I may be able to give more help tomorrow.  Have a good night/day 
all (depending on where you are!)!!!

Dave P
(with a vodka + Red Bull in my hand!)

David Precious

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