jac - WDVL<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Monday, July 14, 2003 5:11 PM, said:

> jesus Stephen that looks perfect. & would I still have been able to
> have the sub menu appear "on top" of it onMouseOver?

Yup, the sub menus should appear over top of them. Most browsers will render iframes, 
form widgets, flash and java as "always on top", regardless of the z-index of a dhtml 
layer. My example was a simple styled div, which is just inline content with its 
display tweaked, thus dhtml layers should play nice.

> When I first started out a couple of years ago I thought layers were
> the business until I viewed them cross browser! and at that early
> stage I was too intimidated by my lack of know-how to try to learn
> how to use them properly so I could use them reliably. Since then
> I've always veered away from layers :o) until this site - it seemed
> this was the only option open to me.

I started out in the same boat, but in 2000 fell victim to the WASP and Jeff Zeldman's 
evangelization (As well as Mark Nuhouse, Eric Meyer, Tantek Celik and a host of other 
visionaries).  Every since then, I've been learning how CSS saves me time and makes my 
life easier... Come in, the water's fine :)


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