Stephen, why the xml prolog?

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Caudill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 4:44 PM
Subject: [wdvltalk] Re: Check layer for me please

Okay Jac,
  I've set up a super simple example at:
the key is using the style:
in conjuction with a fixed height and width on the containing div.  If the
content is long enough to require scrolling, it will do so automatically,
otherwise it will look just like normal content.  As far as integrating this
with your site, you'd need to either include the content in the div
dynamically or place it inside the div statically.  It looks like it'd be
easier to do it as an include, since you already have the content on
separate pages.


jac - WDVL<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Monday, July 14, 2003 3:54 PM, said:

> well that sounds promising - Stephen do you know of any examples
> using css this way?
> Thanks Stephen,
> jac.

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