On 10/27/06, Portman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I would appreciate it if someone could look over my new site and give me
feedback? The url is http://www.1stchoicept.us.


Not good in IE6. The background of the nav list jumps all over the
place. This probably has to do with the layout you are using (see

First you need a complete doctype to get IE out of quirks mode.

You might be having a variation of the listbug problem. This results
from using relative positioning within a floated div, exactly what you
are doing with the nav list. Have a look at this and see if it helps:


The other choice is to redesign. You might want to consider something like this:

1. wrapper with auto margins and fixed percentage or px width so the
stripped background still shows.
2. logo in a div
3. another wrapper with a margin to preserve  that very nice
separation effect between logo and main body. Use the grey background
for this wrapper.
4. float the nav left without the relative positioning.
5. float another box (I'd float them both left but that's my
preference). Put the strip of photos at the top of the box. Then do
the main text (welcome to.....). You'll probably need a clear inside
this box to give it height before you move to the footer.
6. footer. Clear this and see if it works first with the clear in #5
and then without that clear. This is an industrial strength solution
for clearing -- it works in browsers without having to resort to
browser particular hacks which blow up in later versions.


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