At 03:28 AM 5/28/2007, you wrote:
The main issue I have is with the design, hence this email.  If anyone =20
has any suggestions about what I could do with the colours etc, please =20
let me know as I've looked all over the internet and spoken to a =20
number of people but I still can't quite get it right...

Hi Matthew,

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the color combo. This does not say "Dad" to me - it's pastel-y in nature which screams female to me. Rounded would make it more femmie in my opinion. Maybe a deep dark manly purple and then white instead of yellow? Or perhaps even bolder - black and purple? I would go to and hunt down some Dad type images to use on the site. The yellow banded thingy reminds me of a construction site - manly? Yes, but not Dad-ly.

Hello, Good Evening and Welcome in my opinion helps to make it more home-made looking so I'd do away w/that. It's also kind of a loooong opening statement. Using "Welcome to" is not only over-used but in the search engine world it's recommended to not use. More important that you have relevant content.

Just an aside, I've found that when I am faced with having to do something on a site that I either know nothing about or very little or am not good at - I sub it out. You might want to consider doing so if you've not already given an estimate price to the client or if you have room to play w/the budget.

I'm viewing in Firefox and I'm seeing is that you have appears to be some alignment issues.

Some subject matter? Discipline, "About Hugging Your Kid" "How Would MY Dad Have Handled This?" "Teaching Your Kid to ... Golf, Fish, Hunt, Bowl, Drive etc" What to do when kids play both ends to the middle - "But MOM said ..." ... Tooddlers, Pre-Teen, Teen Years, High School Graduation, Off to College ... what to do when your kid wants to be a musician and you had something more like Doctor in mind. "Get a Hair Cut!" "Turn That Music Down!" "My Favorite Father's Day" "How to say NO and mean it" "A Dad is a Dad when he's not his kids best friend" and on and on etc ... Oh, kid/Dad Self Esteem issues. Place for Dads to add their own great kid stories or great Dad stories. Maybe blog-it?

If you want a good CMS that comes with like a dozen or maybe more templates ... hop on over to

• ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷ •
Deb • Designer @ Digital Mouse Designs • com

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