It's a great idea...maybe I'll contribute from my 20+ years of raising
my own...the first one started out at 1 lb. 12 oz. and is now married.
Dang...that makes me old.  Huh.


Naw, you ain't old until they are over 30.

I liked Franni's quick photoshopping. Even those of us who are old or
nearly so get a little gleam in the eye and a smile on the lips with a
shot of a dad and his baby. You can just about feel the familiar
weight resting on your forearm.

It's going to be a difficult balance between sentimental, practical,
and venting. Tim's colors make sense as does his advice to check the
zengarden. In addition to Deb's topics you may need to consider the
sports stuff and some way to deal with the awful peer pressure for
machoism/manliness -- the less aspects of guyness. Perhaps some
reprints, with permission, of some standard pieces of research and pop

With this group you ought to be able to get more good suggestions than
you can easily use.


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