On 29/05/07, Deb wrote:
At 03:28 AM 5/28/2007, you wrote:
>The main issue I have is with the design, hence this email.  If anyone =20
>has any suggestions about what I could do with the colours etc, please =20
>let me know as I've looked all over the internet and spoken to a =20
>number of people but I still can't quite get it right...

Hi Matthew,

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the
color combo.  This does not say "Dad" to me -
it's pastel-y in nature which screams female to
me. Rounded would make it more femmie in my
opinion.  Maybe a deep dark manly purple and then
white instead of yellow?  Or perhaps even bolder
- black and purple?  I would go to
www.istockphoto.com and hunt down some Dad type
images to use on the site.  The yellow banded
thingy reminds me of a construction site - manly?  Yes, but not Dad-ly.

Hi Matthew - I 'm with Deb both on the 'welcome' message & on the
colour... unless you can tie that yellow &  mauve/light purple
together in some way that makes sense in the context of what the
site's about.

If you're really fond of those colours (or they've been thrust upon
you), perhaps taking the 'construction site' black & yellow bands &
making them a deeper-that-the-bg purple & yellow instead, & getting
some father/kid graphics with backgrounds that are that yellow might
work ...  a quick rough idea of what I mean :

Nothing like a little light Photoshopping for task avoidance - thanks
for the excuse!


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