At 09:57 AM 1/4/2008, you wrote:
>It depends on what she uses the laptop for.  I upgraded my original laptop
>from an 80GB to a 100GB.  Now I would love to have something closer to 160GB
>to 200GB.  My point is that I think 30GB doesn't seem like very much.
>Although if it's Windows 98, and she doesn't do much, then it's fine.

They don't do much on it.  Some internet and word 
processing.  Can I get a bigger hard drive than 
what's in it?  I've never done this before so I'm 
a bit on the dunce side here.  Wouldn't a larger 
hard drive be bigger in physical size? There is 
absolutely no more room in there for anything 
bigger than what's in it now as far as physical size.

• ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷ •
Deb • Designer @ Digital Mouse Designs • com

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