PBC Web Design wrote:
> They don't do much on it.  Some internet and word 
> processing.  Can I get a bigger hard drive than 
> what's in it? 


> Wouldn't a larger 
> hard drive be bigger in physical size? There is 
> absolutely no more room in there for anything 
> bigger than what's in it now as far as physical size.

No, hard drives all have standard physical dimensions.  There's 3.5"
drives for desktop machines, and 2.5" for laptops.

Are you sure that the drive in the old machine is dead, though?  The
"Missing Operating System" error doesn't necessarily mean that the hard
drive is dead, it could just be that the bootloader has been wiped (by a
virus, for example).

When you tried booting from the recovery CD / Windows CD, you may have
to press a key at the appropriate time to boot from CD, or you may need
to enter the BIOS setup utility and configure it to boot from the CD
before attempting to boot from the hard drive.


Dave P

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