> bump
> 2012/10/21 Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto <mtcpo...@gmail.com>
>> Was there any changes on newest release of Ubuntu that would explain
>> uwsgi
>> stop working ?
>> (using latest web2py and nginx+uwsgi script - 2.2.1 Stable)
>> Just wondering...
>> --
>> []'s
>> Marco Tulio

I strongly suggest you to use official uWSGI distribution (until i manage
to start releasing official PPAs). You can use pip to install it if you
feel more confortable.

Debian uWSGI packages use a really complex (read:overcomplex) system to
manage startup, while uWSGI has its emperor mode requiring a single line
to startup...

...but debian team refused to use it as it is non-debian friendly...

steps (as root/sudo):

1# pip install uwsgi
2# mkdir /etc/uwsgi
3# edit /etc/init/uwsgi-emperor

description "uWSGI Emperor"

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

exec uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi --logto /tmp/uwsgi.log

4# start uwsgi-emperor

...now just start dropping uWSGI config files in /etc/uwsgi and your
instances will start automatically (check /tmp/uwsgi.log in case of

Roberto De Ioris


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