let's give webassets a try: it's a dependency hell (I highly doubt this 
will be shipped with web2py).

However, contrib module are made for those kind of things.

Shallow first analysis according to 
- rjsmin (strips just newline and whitespaces)
- yui_js (needs yuicompressor, hence a python module and java)
- closure_js (needs closure, hence a python module and java)
- uglify_js (needs uglify binary in path, hence node.js)
- jsmin (needs jsmin, hence a python module, does pretty much the same 
thing as response.minify_js)
- jspacker (included)
- cssmin (needs cssmin, hence a python module, does pretty much the same 
thing as response.minify_css)
- cssutils (same as before)
- yui_css (same as for js)
- clean_css (node.js required)
- slimmer_css (needs slimmer, hence a python module)
- clevercss (needs clevercss, hence a python module)
- less (needs less by node.js or ruby)
- sass (needs sass from ruby)
- scss (same as ssas)
- compass (same as ssas)
- pyscss (requires a module)
- stylus (node.js required)
- coffeescript (node.js required)
- done by scripts/zip_static_files.py
- requires spritemapper

I skipped over js templates generators and jinja2 for obvious reasons.
So, basically, you'd have a "python only" functionality slighthly better 
than the one currently included in web2py with:
JS: no such thing
CSS: no such thing
clevercss and pyscss

All the others features are not "python modules": they are just smart 
wrapper around the command-line arguments of each binary.
Now, let's talk about what functionality do you miss in web2py.... is it 
just something like "edit the less file in static/less/file.less and have 
it recompiled as /static/css/file.css" ?


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