Holy shit...

Where did you say you got all that info from?
Is this what that module needs?

I thought it's just a stand-alone pythonic-module doing everything...
Guess I was a bit optimistic...

What about coffeeCup?

- is it just something like "edit the less file in static/less/file.less 
and have it recompiled as /static/css/file.css"
Well, either that and/or sass/scss, as well as coffescript transpiling, 
with optional minification/zipping for the resaulting js/css, yeah, 
basically that.

But if there is ANY need for node.js in this kind of solution, than forget 
There are already many pre-packaged npm's for node that do all that and 
then some (like yaomen).
I guess we'll have to get used to the idea of running node locally at each 
dev-machine for development, and another in the server for CI stuff...

Is web2py minifying css/js scripts by default? If so, in what 
circumstances? And since what version?


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