Hi Frank,

On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:59 PM, Mr. Frank Cobia wrote:

I am trying to get a Hudson build server setup and I am having a few issues. Hopefully someone can/will help.

As background I am running hudson on Mac OS X server and I am using subversion.

1) The setupWorkspace.sh script seems to be looking for the .classpath file in the wrong place.

I setup the subversion URL as https://svnserver/path/MyProject. So when Hudson check out from subversion the .classpath is placed in $WORKSPACE/MyProject/.classpath, but setupWorkspace.sh is looking for $WORKSPACE/.classpath. What am I doing wrong?

In the job setup, under Subversion, put a period (.) in the "Local module directory (optional)" field. It probably has "MyProject" in there now.

2) The setupWorkspace.sh prints the following error even though I can go in by hand after the build and that directory does exit: rm: / Developer/Hudson/Home/jobs/MyProject/workspace/Root/System: No such file or directory

This is the same problem. it's looking in .../workspace/Root/System, because you have the Local module directory as your project name, that directory actually exists in /worspace/MyProject/Root/System.

3) How will my apps and frameworks find the frameworks they depend on? Is this automatically done by the setupWorkspace.sh script as long as those frameworks have already been made? Do I have to do a build and install so that they are placed in /Library/Frameworks?

Mike's latest workspaceSetup.sh will automatically look for Hudson projects with the same name as the frameworks in your .classpath file - freaking AWESOME, BTW. If it finds them, it will use the last successful build of that hudson job.

4) I can not get Hudson to "Archive the Artifacts" for framework builds when set to $WORKSPACE/MyProject/dist/*.framework. The configuration screen tells me that $WORKSPACE/MyProject/dist does exist but the build throws an error saying it can not find / Developer/Hudson/Home/jobs/MyProject/workspace/MyProject/dist/ *.framework.

Hmmm.... not sure on this one, but once you change the Local module directory (see #1) then maybe that will fix this too.

5) Similar to #3. I have some frameworks that depend on jar projects. Do I need to somehow copy these to a location to be picked up or will the setupWorkspace fix it so that the jars will be found?

Hmmm... This is trickier. I don't do this, and I don't think setupWorkspace.sh will address this either. That leaves you with either modifying setupWorkspace.sh to handle it, or adding additional Execute shell commands prior to Invoking Ant in the hudson job.

Hudson is awesome and Mike's setupWorkspace.sh makes it even better, but it's a case of it will only work if you "Be Like Mikeā„¢" - if you do things differently it will require a bit more work on you part, but setupWorkspace.sh is great to learn from to see how the cool kids do things.



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