On Oct 14, 2009, at 4:22 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

On Oct 14, 2009, at 4:05 PM, Mr. Frank Cobia wrote:

Mike's setupWorkspace.sh simply grabs the framework's tar.gz file and extracts the framework into your project's Root/Library/ Frameworks (if I remember correctly). Obviously you could change the script to just grab the MyFramework.framework folder itself instead and copy it.

There's a number of ways of hacking/changing mike's script to conform to your needs. I have changed my version to create a symlink to any frameworks in .classpath that are also in the Hudson jobs directory. This removes the step of copying and extracting and makes the build even faster. I also added the ability to specify more than just simply the version of WO because we have different versions of internal frameworks as well.

I am beginning to think maybe I have my project in Eclipse setup incorrectly. Looking at Mike's script and your script, it expects the frameworks that the app depends on have and entry in the .classpath file that looks like: path="WOFramework/MyFramework"

When I add a framework to an app in Eclipse I just add it under Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Projects.


Don't use "Projects" anymore. As of the New Hotness build of WOLips (January 09 timeframe) all frameworks are added under "Libraries" section of the Build Path even if they are Projects. WOLips will see that you have them as projects in your workspace and will use them instead of any compiled version in Library/Frameworks.

If a project doesn't exist in your workspace for the framework, WOLips will automatically fall back to looking for it in the normal locations for a compiled framework.


About that, I have a related question... I tried to go all workspace not too long ago, and found that I could not get the frameworks to build properly with nothing Wonder related in the /Library/Frameworks folder. If I do an ant frameworks.install then everything is cool. I suspect this is because of the ERJars...? Anyway, is it possible to do that? Go completely clean in the /Library/Frameworks folder and work with all the wonder frameworks in the workspace only?


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