On 2012-03-27, at 12:53 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

> Ok, so this is the list of the most voted "in" ideas on Google Moderator. Any 
> opinions on this?
> "We should write a Beginner Book that we can either give away for free and 
> paid by the funds we raise by the membership fees and donations. An 
> alternative would be to use the funds to paid in advance the authors and the 
> revenues would go to community."
> I agree that a book would be nice, but I don't think it can be "profitable".

I think I can guarantee you that it won't be profitable.

> Let's say it takes 12 weeks for one guy to write it,

IIRC, we spent about 120 hours per chapter for Practical WebObjects.

> at 30 hours per week, $50 per hour. That means writing the book would cost 
> $18 000, and let's say each sale of the book brings $10 (after Apple/Amazon 
> cuts). We would need to sell 1800 copies of it. I think Chuck sold 3000 
> copies of his book, but that was in the "good old days", when the community 
> was bigger (and that Apple was using the same version of WO as us, so they 
> wanted the book too), I don't think we will sell enough copies, but I see the 
> book as a marketing book, so the community should pay a part of it.

Our book was a marketing book too, it never even came close to covering our 
base costs in sales.

> "Better integration between WO and iOS/Android can be a big selling point and 
> a way to get new people on board. Maybe we could build a system where people 
> can upload their CoreData model and we convert it to a EOModel and generate a 
> ERRest template."
> Someone also suggested support for SQLite for Titanium.
> "We should build a slick and dead simple landing page with awesome UX. It 
> should have one goal of funneling switchers to installing tools and launching 
> Hello World. We should then optimize this landing page to death via A/B 
> tests. After building an awesome landing page, we should produce a series of 
> killer screencasts showcasing selling points of WO and try link baiting on 
> Hacker News, etc."
> I have to agree with that, but who's going to do the screencasts?

Or the dead slick pages.  It also seems a little misleading to get people in 
like that when what we after that is not very complete.

> "Improvements on the development and deployment tools to make them easier to 
> work it. Make WOLips an Eclipse RCP app that will also install WO and Wonder, 
> with built-in tutorials and help."
> Again, I agree. The tools is a top 3 priority.
> "Since we will have a 3 days boot camp before WOWODC, we should record it, 
> sell the recordings and give a majority of the revenues to Paul and keeping a 
> minority as funds for the community."
> Should we do this instead of the beginner book? Or maybe a mix of both, e.g. 
> the book in ePub with links to the relevant parts of the recording?

Paul may have something to say about that.  :-)

> "I think we should use the funds to pay people to fix issues that the 
> majority of users are having. The issues will be voted by the community and 
> the most voted issues will become the highest priorities."

That is not how Wonder was created and now how I expect that it will continue.  
If you have a problem, learn how to fix it.  Then put it in Wonder.


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    

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