There's also a 4th reason:  People like me who don't know git/github, and
don't know how to integrate it into my workflow.  I'd like to contribute
more, but I need to spend a day or two figuring out how to get from here to
there without breaking my current workflow much.  For instance I currently
have laying around a basic twitter framework, httpclient framework,
xgrid framework, crowdflower framework etc. etc. just gathering dust.  I
also have random subclasses since it's quicker for me to subclass and fix a
bug in wonder instead of working with wonder directly.

On my list of todo's I need to rewatch your contributing to wonder video
then learn up on Github and Tailor so I could post to github from my svn

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Pascal Robert <> wrote:

> Le 2012-03-27 à 19:30, Mike Schrag a écrit :
> >>>> "I think we should use the funds to pay people to fix issues that the
> majority of users are having. The issues will be voted by the community and
> the most voted issues will become the highest priorities."
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> That is not how Wonder was created and now how I expect that it will
> continue.  If you have a problem, learn how to fix it.  Then put it in
> Wonder.
> >>
> >> In the past, we had Apple sponsorship and most of the big additions to
> Wonder between 2007 and 2010 came from Apple… We don't have that
> sponsorship anymore, and personally I don't think we will survive if we
> don't pay people for major stuff. I don't think we will survive anyway, but
> that's another story…
> > Apple funded a VERY small percentage of the contributions to Wonder.
> Almost all of the contributions I made came from mDimension donating their
> time, bandwidth, and hardware for the good of the community. Frankly, if
> Apple hadn't funded the things they did, I would have done them anyway,
> because I just enjoyed making things.
> >
> > This approach of paying for fixes seems like you're just going to end up
> with a collection of bounty hunters instead of a community. On top of that,
> there's no way you're going to be able to afford to pay the market cost for
> this work. mDimension easily donated a couple hundred thousand dollars of
> time if you applied their real hourly rate to the work. So on top of
> encouraging people to only give if they get paid, they're going to be paid
> crap, so why would anyone even bother?
> >
> > I really don't think things are stagnant because of the lack of money.
> They're stagnant because the remaining people in the community don't care
> enough to contribute. I don't buy any of the "I don't know how to do X" or
> "I don't have time to do X." You have to want it. I didn't know how to
> write nearly any of what was in WOLips before I started working on WOLips,
> and likewise with Wonder. I learned WebObjects working on Wonder. I'm would
> wager that everyone who worked on Wonder was in the same category.
> Contribution is also positive reinforcement. The coolest times in Wonder
> for me were always when one person contributing got someone else energized
> to contribute and amazing things were made.
> >
> > The real question is: Who is currently NOT contributing because they're
> just waiting for a payday to do so? If you're perfectly happy enjoying the
> fruits of the community while not giving back to the community, look in the
> mirror for the reason it's dying. Either give a shit, or don't be sad that
> it dies.
> I think reasons don't contribute are:
> 1) Some just don't care and are leachers. Yes, people you can blame me to
> saying that. But anyway, any community are like that, no community have
> everyone contributing, it's just plain impossible.
> 2) People are afraid of contributing. That's one of the reasons of why I
> added the "integration" branch in Wonder, and doing a "Contributing to the
> community" talk at WOWODC.
> 3) People don't have time. That's the answer I got from many WO experts.
> And I can't do anything about that.
> So I really don't know how we can improve the situation…
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