On Aug 21, 2018, at 11:21 AM, ocs@ocs <o...@ocs.cz> wrote:
> Chuck,
>> On 21 Aug 2018, at 7:50 PM, Chuck Hill <ch...@gevityinc.com> wrote:
>> See er.extensions.ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext at 
>> https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/documentation/Explanation+of+the+default+properties+in+a+Wonder+project
> Thanks a lot!
> (Why on earth don't they mention this on the ERXEC documentation page? Oh, 
> never mind.)

Those javadocs at SourceForge say they are for “Project Wonder 2.0” and are 
pretty darned old. I’m not sure if it matters explicitly in this case but that 
is not where you’d want to turn for current javadocs.


>> Did that fix it?
> Well, sort of.
> It gets curiouser and curiouser — in other words, I must be doing something 
> far wrong.
> When I set the “ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext” property to true, then
> - the newly created ERXEC gets a shared editing context immediately upon 
> creation, not later upon receiving 
> DefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotification;
> - and it is a different shared EC instance, not 
> EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext()
> - but it is EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext() who reads in 
> automatically all the shared EOs
> - and therefore, when fetching EOs through the ERXEC, I am still getting 
> non-shared ones in the ERXEC (for its own sharedEC is empty, and thus 
> EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext is ignored).
> Can you make any sense of that?
> Thanks again a very big lot,
> OC
>> On 2018-08-21, 9:43 AM, "Webobjects-dev on behalf of ocs@ocs" 
>> <webobjects-dev-bounces+chill=gevityinc....@lists.apple.com on behalf of 
>> o...@ocs.cz> wrote:
>>    Hi there,
>>    the EOEditing context doc pretty unequivocally says
>>    ===
>>    By default, an editing context that has no shared editing context listens 
>> for DefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotifications. If a 
>> notification is posted while the context has no registered objects, the 
>> editing context sets its shared editing context to the newly initialized 
>> default shared editing context.
>>    ===
>>    Should it apply for an ERXEC, too? I sort of inferred it would, but by my 
>> testing, it does not seem so: an ERXEC I make (through 
>> ERXEC.newEditingContext()) seems to adamantly stay without 
>> sharedEditingContext, although the notification is posted all right (I have 
>> observed it myself to be sure), and if there's a good ole EOEditingContext, 
>> it indeed duly sets its sharedEC at the time.
>>    Have I missed something of importance somewhere? The ERXEC documentation 
>> does not say essentially anything of the sharedEC, far as I can say:
>>    http://wonder.sourceforge.net/javadoc/er/extensions/ERXEC.html
>>    In principle, I could work around the problem by setting the sharedEC to 
>> all my ERXECs programmatically -- that works all right --, but it would be a 
>> lot of work, with a danger I overlook something somewhere and got bit in the 
>> tender parts by that...
>>    Thanks,
>>    OC
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