Thanks for the feedback. I'll plead 'guilty' to not bumping the version 
number, but I've just downloaded and expanded the file I attached above and 
the line in the '' file that I think drives all this is:

                    'retry_wait' : 5,
                    'driver' : 'user.HP1000Driver'}},

Am I not looking in the right place?


On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 3:16:58 PM UTC+11, dr__bob wrote:
> Hi Susan,
> I can't answer the questions about windDir and co, and I have to admit 
> that I haven't had a chance yet to try out your latest, but I did take a 
> look at it.  There were two things that I noticed.  The first is that you 
> still have "driver = weewx.user.HP1000DRIVER" in the weewx.conf in your 
>  I think that it should be "driver = user.HP1000", since your 
> file is  Also, I see that the version number is still 0.1. 
> Bumping the version number would help distinguish the different versions.
> Otherwise, your version from Jan 21 has been running perfectly in my setup 
> since then. 
> On Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 7:26:35 PM UTC-8, wrote:
>> Just noticed that the beta of V3.7.0 is available.
>> In the release notes from Tom he noted that any missing 'windGustDir' is 
>> to be determined by Weewx with this version.
>> Please note that the last version of my driver (posted above) does assign 
>> 'windDir' to 'windGustDir'.
>> Therefore, is it better for me to test the version (below v3.7 does the 
>> copy, v3.7 and above does not)  or to take out that bot of code and just 
>> release my driver for 3.7 and above?
>> I guess what I'm really asking is how soon will v3.7 be released relative 
>> to my driver (which, by the lack of any negative (or positive!) feedback 
>> could be anytime now)?
>> Susan

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