I put this

> realtime="rainheure">$span($time_delta=900).rain.min.formatted<!--dailyRain--></data></realtime>

This seems to work, the file has been generated, actually there was a 
problem in yesterday's syntax.

Le lundi 7 août 2017 09:41:28 UTC+2, Nicolas Cazan a écrit :
> Weewx_pws.xml seems to contain the desired info.
> As for the rain, I checked to obte, ir rain of the last 15 minutes 
> (archiving via php and cron every 15 minutes) tomorrow thunderstorms are 
> expected to see what this is going, actually $ span seemed to be problem, I 
> will try still.
> <realtime><data realtime="minrain">
> return :
> <realtime><data realtime="rainheure">0,0<!--dailyRain-->
> Le lundi 7 août 2017 02:40:15 UTC+2, gjr80 a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Well the date time now makes sense but there is still a fundamental 
>> problem here. If you have this:
>> <realtime><data realtime="minrain">$span($time_delta=900).rain.sum.
>> formatted<!--dailyRain--></data></realtime>
>> in your .tmpl file then the generated file will have 
>> <realtime><data realtime="minrain">
>> in there somewhere, irrespective of whether the $span tag is right, 
>> wrong or indifferent. I do not see this text anywhere in your generated 
>> file.
>> For all those who have the same problem:
>>> <realtime><data 
>>>> realtime="tempanneemax">$month.outTemp.max.formatted<!--outsideTemp--></data></realtime>
>>>> <realtime><data 
>>>> realtime="tempanneemax">$year.outTemp.max.formatted<!--outsideTemp--></data></realtime>
>>>> <realtime><data 
>>>> realtime="tempanneemini">$month.outTemp.min.formatted<!--outsideTemp--></data></realtime>
>>>> <realtime><data 
>>>> realtime="tempanneemini">$year.outTemp.min.formatted<!--outsideTemp--></data></realtime>
>>> <realtime><data 
>>>> realtime="rainheure">$hour.rain.min.formatted<!--dailyRain--></data></realtime>
>>> On the rain I do not know if it is correct, it does not rain often in 
>>> Provence
>> Have you made more changes to weewx_pws.xml.tmpl? Did these changes come 
>> through in your generated weewx_pws.xml? What about the $span line?
>> The tag $hour.rain.min.formatted will display the minimum archive period 
>> rainfall from all of the archive periods in the current hour. So if there 
>> was rainfall in each archive period in the current hour you will get the 
>> minimum of these values, if there was an archive period in the current hour 
>> during which it did not rain you will get 0. Is this really what you are 
>> trying to display, <data realtime="rainheure"> seems to imply you want 
>> the rainfall in the last immediate 1 hour period? 
>> $span($time_delta=3600).rain.sum.formatted will display the rainfall in the 
>> last immediate 1 hour period. ($hour works on x:00 hour boundaries).
>> On the other hand it returns only the minimum and maximum temperature of 
>>> the current month.
>>> I extract this data via a php page, are you able to specify the desired 
>>> month?
>> I assume you are referring to $month.outTemp.max.formatted ? If so, as 
>> you rightly say this will provide the max outTemp seen in the current 
>> calendar month, so at 06:00 on 1 August it will return the max outTemp 
>> seen in the last 6 hours, $month works on the the period since midnight 
>> on the 1st of the current month. If you want the max outTemp from some 
>> other month in the past, say March, then this is not easily done with the 
>> current 
>> weeWX tags, it can be done but it will require some python coding either in 
>> a template or as a search list extension.
>> It might help if you could describe exactly what you want in each of your 
>> fields.
>> Gary

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