I thought your name looked familiar! Now I remember your project.

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Joe Percival <j...@bigtreestech.com> wrote:

> I'm moving from a very old version of weewx (1.9.2 I think) to the latest
> 3.7.1. I had developed a custom generator to capture and manipulate webcam
> images.  A couple questions...
> 1). The old location for the custom generator was alongside the weewx
> generators in weewx/bin/weewx.  In the new scheme I understand that it
> should be located in weewx/bin/user, correct?
​You can put weewx customizations anywhere --- the location just has to be
in your PYTHONPATH. The user subdirectory is handy because it puts it with
the rest of the weewx stuff, is automatically added to the PYTHONPATH, and
is not touched during upgrades. If you install extensions using the utility
wee_extension, they will go there.

> 2). The the generator uses the following modules:
> Import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, urllib, urllib2, time, os,
> weewx.reportengine
> Does any of that need to change?

​No, although weewx.reportengine has changed quite a bit.​

> 3). Do you know if any of the class definition language has changed?

> Any other hints about making this big version leap would be appreciated
​Make sure you look through the upgrade guide
<http://weewx.com/docs/upgrading.htm>. All incompatible changes have been
listed in there.​ There is now a completely separate customization guide
<http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm> that documents how to write weewx
extensions of all stripes. Also scan the change log

I'm not sure exactly what custom things you wrote, but you're likely to
have to completely rewrite them.  I'm happy to help you through the
transitions. The good news is that I think you'll find weewx far more
capable than those days!


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