Ok, that's good. I guess you need to confirm that everything that weeWX 
should be doing is being done correctly. The main things to check are 
getting the data off the station and into weeWX, saving the data to 
database, generating reports and posting data externally. If you look at 
your log you should see weeWX generating an archive record every archive 
interval minutes and saving this to the archive db. There will also be a 
concurent log entry for a record saved to the daily summary. The last log 
extract showed these appeared to be happening as they should, so weeWX is 
saving data to the database. Shortly (well almost immediately) after you 
should see weeWX genreating its output; a number of html pages and image 
files containing the plots etc. You should be able to view these in your 
browser if you have a web server running on your RPi (or on via another web 
server if you are transferring the file to some other server). Have a look 
at the generated pages, is the date/time correct, does it update every 
archive interval (ie change). Does the tabular data agree with your console 
and do the plots appear correct. If this is OK theres a good chance weeWX 
is getting the correct data from your console and the data being saved is 
correct. The only other thing is WU. I see you had rapid fire enabled, no 
problems with that as weeWX and the VP2 will handle that with ease. WU on 
the other hand might be be interesting. WU has had some recent issues 
(roughly the last week) and lots of data uploads were not 
accepted/completed/were ignored. They appear to be back OK now but when I 
look in your last log I see lines like

Jan 15 20:10:17 raspberrypi weewx[564]: restx: Wunderground-RF: Failed 
upload attempt 1: timed out

occurring ocassionally. That indicates a rapid fire upload is timing out. 
With your VP2 your rapid fire updates should be happening around every 2 
odd seconds so these are only sporadic errors but it would make me check my 
WU page to see if you data is making its way into WU. If something appears 
wrong try turning off rapid fire, it could just be WU.

A few other things to think about. Once you have things sorted you can set 
debug=0 in weewx.conf to reduce the logging (this will need a weewx restart 
to take effect). A Davis install should be very straightforward and once 
working it should be very reliable. When you do your next station you might 
want to hold off sending data to WU (if you intend to) until you have weeWX 
up and running fine. Then turn on WU. I guess you've already come across 
the time issue when rebooting, the RPI fake hadware clock is a constant 
source of problems - have a browse through the forums. You might want to 
give a thought to how you want to deal with the time issue - install a RTC 
or disable the fake hardware clock on the RPi. I went down the path of 
adding a RTC on mine, for the sake of few cents from ebay you can save a 
pile of grief. Alternatively, disable the fake hardware clock, otherwise 
eventually you could well loose some data or start chasing your tail. The 
good thing about the Davis stations is the logger has memory but it can be 
corrupted by a power outage. You will find quite a few posts in the forum 
re time and the fake hardware clock.


On Monday, 15 January 2018 22:43:37 UTC+10, Benjamin Fox wrote:
> Hiya Mate,
> Yep. That is true! :-)  I've been in technology for 20+ years (development 
> and project/product management). Went down the mac path in 2009 and have 
> barely touched a windows machine since then. 
> Haven't coded for about 5 years now and feel a 'little out of touch'. :-|
> So here are the results as of now. Moved the lat/long a little bit to not 
> be exactly over my household. Waited an hour, and syncing is now occurring 
> successfully. Note, when I rebooted the rasp pi, I got the 'engine: Launch 
> of report thread aborted: existing report thread still running' error'.
> I manually stopped and started the weewx process and the error disappeared.
> So as of right now, the process is working perfectly. I'm hesitant to 
> reboot the PI... but, as we know power failures will occur and I expect 
> we'll be back in the same position.
> next steps?
> On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 9:41:39 PM UTC+11, gjr80 wrote:
>> Ok. No need to keep rebooting or powering down the RPi, to quote someone 
>> else around here 'this is Linux not windows'. Just stop and start weeWX as 
>> required, if nothing else it will make the logs much easier to read :)
>> Gary

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