On Monday, September 2, 2019 at 10:04:47 PM UTC-7, Xant wrote:

>    - MQTT updates at <3secs (maybe due to wind, but looks like a Davis); 
>    I never had MQTT turn-out that quick... besides the 60sec actual loop 
>    update timeframe (weewx website seems much quicker than "is"....; but that 
>    is a good thing... others lag till MQTT "connects")
> Only the wind refreshes at 3 secs 'if' you have rapid_wind set on.   
Everything else is 60 secs.  There are device status messages that are 
every 10 seconds if I remember correctly.   They're kind of fun to watch.

My UDP listener is at 
https://github.com/vinceskahan/weatherflow-udp-listener if you want to see 
what the hub's sending in more detail.  Also check the WF UDP API docs 
online at https://weatherflow.github.io/SmartWeather/api/udp/v114/ for the 
gory details.

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