OK.  What I don't understand is that my code had always a test 

if hauteur_soleil > 3:  (according to Météo France)

or more recently

 if hauteur_soleil > 0: 

in the function, and this test is not on your function.

It should be :

 hauteur_soleil = asin(sin((pi / 180) * latitude) * sin((pi / 180) * 
declinaison) + cos(
        (pi / 180) * latitude) * cos((pi / 180) * declinaison) * cos((pi / 180) 
* angle_horaire)) * (180 / pi)
 If hauteur_soleil > 0:
        seuil = (0.73 + 0.06 * cos((pi / 180) * 360 * dayofyear / 365)) * 1080 
* pow(
                (sin(pi / 180) * hauteur_soleil), 1.25) * coeff
  else :
        seuil = 0
 return seuil

> Le 30 juin 2022 à 22:52, 'Peter Fletcher' via weewx-user 
> <weewx-user@googlegroups.com> a écrit :
> That was going to be my next step! In fact, iterating through a list of the 
> dateTime values that produce the errors in the real code and passing each 
> value to the function confirms that it is the specific dateTime values that 
> are causing the function to misbehave. The returned results are all complex 
> numbers with negative and numerically identical (for a given dateTime) real 
> and imaginary components. It does seem to be a bug in the function. I assume 
> that hauteur_soleil should always be >=0. It appears that, for my latitude 
> and longitude and for the given specific values of dateTime, it becomes 
> negative. The last step in the calculation then involves raising a negative 
> number to a non-integral power, which is guaranteed to produce interesting 
> results! The really odd thing is that math.pow is not returning a ValueError, 
> which the docs say is what should happen under these circumstances, but 
> apparently trying to return a (possibly) valid complex result.
> On Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 3:07:38 PM UTC-4 jterr...@gmail.com wrote:
> The only clue I have is that the problem is not due to an « overloading » of 
> your raspberry pi, but seems to occur with specific dateTime values.
> You can try to run your script only with a « bad » dateTime :
> "SELECT dateTime, Radiation from archive where dateTime = 1592614500 »
> Does the error occurs ? If yes, you can try to add debugging print commands 
> inside the sunshineThreshold function to try to understand.
>> Le 30 juin 2022 à 19:51, 'Peter Fletcher' via weewx-user 
>> <weewx...@googlegroups.com 
>> <applewebdata://53FD5BF2-209C-4577-B6BF-532766329623>> a écrit :
>> It did as it seems you predicted - passed 1592614800 and stopped at 
>> 1632611100. You obviously have a clue as to what is going on. Please explain!
>> On Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 8:59:48 AM UTC-4 jterr...@gmail.com 
>> <http://gmail.com/> wrote:
>> If you exclude the first one,1592614500 , with a query like "SELECT 
>> dateTime, Radiation from archive where dateTime <> 1592614500", will the 
>> script stop at 1592614800 ( the next dateTime) or will it continue and stop 
>> at 1632611100 ?
>>> Le 30 juin 2022 à 14:34, 'Peter Fletcher' via weewx-user 
>>> <weewx...@googlegroups.com <>> a écrit :
>>> 1592614500
>>> 1632611100
>>> 1632611400
>>> 1647688800
>>> I can't see a pattern or any common features.
>>> On Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 3:55:49 AM UTC-4 jterr...@gmail.com 
>>> <http://gmail.com/> wrote:
>>> No, I never had weewx  crashes related to the sunshine calculations. 
>>> What are the dateTime values that trigger the error ?
>>> Le mercredi 29 juin 2022 à 23:23:16 UTC+2, Peter Fletcher a écrit :
>>> Have you had any odd weewx errors or crashes related to the sunshine 
>>> calculations? I ask because I hadn't, but I decided to try to 'backfill' my 
>>> database with sunshine times, based on the 5-minute radiation values, and I 
>>> ran into a bizarre bug. I used the code shown below (on a copy of my live 
>>> weewx database). As you will see, the threshold calculation code is 
>>> essentially identical to yours, except that it has been converted to a 
>>> regular function (no 'self' parameter) and my station's latitude and 
>>> longitude are hard coded in it. When the code is run under Python 3.9.2 on 
>>> my Pi, it initially runs without problems, but crashes after 8,000+ records 
>>> have been processed with a ValueError on the MaxThreshold vs threshold 
>>> comparison, reporting that it can't compare a complex with a float! If I 
>>> intercept and log the errors, it turns out that, for a few specific values 
>>> of dateTime, the function returns a complex number! Even more bizarrely, it 
>>> only seems to do that in the context of the running code. If I manually run 
>>> through all the operations from the function code at the Python command 
>>> line, using the value of dateTime that produces the first crash, all the 
>>> intermediate results and the final result are sane floats.
>>> There appears to be a second issue, possibly related to my reading and 
>>> writing the database at relatively high frequency, which stalls the process 
>>> after about 18,000 records have been processed, but removing the database 
>>> writes allows it to run to completion without abolishing the consistent, 
>>> albeit infrequent, ValueErrors.
>>> [backfill.py]
>>> import sqlite3
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import time
>>> from math import sin, cos, pi, asin
>>> def sunshineThreshold(mydatetime):
>>>     coeff = 0.9  # change to calibrate with your sensor
>>>     utcdate = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mydatetime)
>>>     dayofyear = int(time.strftime("%j", time.gmtime(mydatetime)))
>>>     theta = 360 * dayofyear / 365
>>>     equatemps = 0.0172 + 0.4281 * cos((pi / 180) * theta) - 7.3515 * sin(
>>>         (pi / 180) * theta) - 3.3495 * cos(2 * (pi / 180) * theta) - 9.3619 
>>> * sin(
>>>         2 * (pi / 180) * theta)
>>>     latitude = 43.0346213
>>>     longitude = -78.689362
>>>     corrtemps = longitude * 4
>>>     declinaison = asin(0.006918 - 0.399912 * cos((pi / 180) * theta) + 
>>> 0.070257 * sin(
>>>         (pi / 180) * theta) - 0.006758 * cos(2 * (pi / 180) * theta) + 
>>> 0.000908 * sin(
>>>         2 * (pi / 180) * theta)) * (180 / pi)
>>>     minutesjour = utcdate.hour * 60 + utcdate.minute
>>>     tempsolaire = (minutesjour + corrtemps + equatemps) / 60
>>>     angle_horaire = (tempsolaire - 12) * 15
>>>     hauteur_soleil = asin(sin((pi / 180) * latitude) * sin((pi / 180) * 
>>> declinaison) + cos(
>>>         (pi / 180) * latitude) * cos((pi / 180) * declinaison) * cos((pi / 
>>> 180) * angle_horaire)) * (180 / pi)
>>>     seuil = (0.73 + 0.06 * cos((pi / 180) * 360 * dayofyear / 365)) * 1080 
>>> * pow(
>>>         (sin(pi / 180) * hauteur_soleil), 1.25) * coeff
>>>     return seuil
>>> database = 'weewx.sdb'
>>> maxThreshold=0
>>> count=0
>>> conn=sqlite3.connect(database)
>>> cur=conn.execute("SELECT dateTime, Radiation from archive")
>>> for row in cur:
>>>     count += 1
>>>     if (row[1] is not None) and (row[1] > 20):
>>>     threshold = sunshineThreshold(row[0])
>>>     if threshold > maxThreshold:
>>>         maxThreshold = threshold
>>>     if row[1] > threshold:
>>>         conn.execute("UPDATE archive set SunshineTime = 5 WHERE dateTime = 
>>> " + str(row[0]))
>>>     if count % 1000 == 0:
>>>         print(count, 'Max Threshold', maxThreshold)
>>> conn.close
>>> [/backfill.py]
>>> On Friday, June 10, 2022 at 3:29:40 AM UTC-4 jterr...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>>> On my side, I have looked at the CPU utilization on my raspberry Pi 3B+. I 
>>> have the mqtt  service service installed, so at each loop all data of the 
>>> packet are sent to the mqtt broker.
>>> With mqtt and when calculations of the sunshine threshold is done for each 
>>> loop packet, the total CPU utilization of python3 is about 0.75%
>>> With mqtt and without calculation of sunshine threshold : 0.5% of total CPU.
>>> So one can estimate that 0.25 % of total CPU is needed for the calculation 
>>> of the threshold value for each LOOP packet.
>>>> Le 9 juin 2022 à 22:26, 'Peter Fletcher' via weewx-user 
>>>> <weewx...@googlegroups.com <>> a écrit :
>>>> After some experimentation, I found that the radiation value in the VP2 
>>>> LOOP packets does, indeed, normally change every 50-52 seconds, but, 
>>>> perhaps about a fifth of the 'gaps' are a multiple of that time - most 
>>>> often 100+ or 150+ seconds, but occasionally more than that (I saw one 
>>>> 250+ second 'gap'). I saw this under conditions of variable sunshine and 
>>>> clouds when it seemed unlikely that the actual radiation value would have 
>>>> been precisely constant for that length of time, so I am not sure exactly 
>>>> what is going on. In any event, I am revising the code I am using on the 
>>>> basis of doing the threshold calculation when the radiation level changes, 
>>>> but at least every minute, if it remains constant for more than the normal 
>>>> 50-52 seconds..
>>>> On Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 12:33:47 PM UTC-4 jterr...@gmail.com 
>>>> <http://gmail.com/> wrote:
>>>> I think it is also OK to do an average for every 30 seconds.  It depends 
>>>> also on the weather station used.
>>>> For  instance, a Davis Vantage Pro 2 ISS transmits an updated  solar 
>>>> radiation value every 50 to 60 seconds. So with this weather station, even 
>>>> a 1 minute average would not be very different  since anyway the solar 
>>>> radiation values of the LOOP packet are the same for at least 50 seconds.!
>>>>> Le 5 juin 2022 à 18:02, 'Peter Fletcher' via weewx-user 
>>>>> <weewx...@googlegroups.com <>> a écrit :
>>>>> I chose to average the LOOP radiation readings and only to do the 
>>>>> threshold calculation and make the sun/no sun determination every 30 
>>>>> seconds because I thought doing it on every LOOP might overload LOOP 
>>>>> processing (I am running weewx on a Pi 3B, which is also doing a few 
>>>>> other things which use the CPU). If this is an unnecessary concern, as it 
>>>>> may very well be, your modified code is much cleaner than mine.
>>>>> On Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 12:41:08 PM UTC-4 jterr...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <http://gmail.com/> wrote:
>>>>> It is a very good idea to calculate the sunshine duration for each LOOP 
>>>>> packet and sum these values to make the final archive sunshine duration.  
>>>>> I have modified my script accordingly :  
>>>>> https://github.com/Jterrettaz/sunduration 
>>>>> <https://github.com/Jterrettaz/sunduration>.
>>>>> The logic is the following :  for each received LOOP packet, the 
>>>>> radiation is compared to a calculated threshold. If the radiation is 
>>>>> above the threshold value, the sunshine time for the LOOP packet is equal 
>>>>> to the time elapsed between the  previous loop packet and this packet 
>>>>> (most of the time 2 seconds with a Vantage Davis Pro).
>>>>> The final archive sunshine duration is the sum of all the LOOP value 
>>>>> within the archive period.
>>>>> Le vendredi 3 juin 2022 à 21:59:36 UTC+2, Peter Fletcher a écrit :
>>>>> That makes some sense when you are getting data from an 'external' 
>>>>> sensor, though there are (IMHO) simpler ways of doing it. weewx already 
>>>>> has access to the LOOP radiation data from the VP2, so handling the 
>>>>> processing and data storage within weewx makes more sense to me in this 
>>>>> case.
>>>>> On Friday, June 3, 2022 at 3:24:23 PM UTC-4 vince wrote:
>>>>> On Friday, June 3, 2022 at 11:17:00 AM UTC-7 Meteo Oberwallis wrote:
>>>>>  if the interval of Weewx and the data logger is set to 10 minutes, I 
>>>>> would have liked to read the value of the solar sensor every minute and 
>>>>> then write it into a separate .sdb database as possible sunshine.
>>>>> Personally I'd use an external program called via cron and posting a 
>>>>> message to a MQTT topic.  Have weewx subscribe to that topic to get the 
>>>>> data into your db.
>>>>> This is how I used to get my DS18b20 temperature sensor data into weewx.
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